This post is a write-up or clues on how to resolve the KC7 investigation case of Inside Encryptodera - Section 1: Offensive Odor 👽 . You can use it as a helpful guide when you encounter an obstacle, as it structured as a fill-in-the-blanks solution.
Section 1:
Question 1: What is Barry’s role at the company?
| where name contains "Barry"
| project name , role
Question 2: What is Barry’s email address?
| where name contains "Barry"
| project name , role, email_addr
Question 3: What was the subject of the interesting email (the one on January 16th) that Barry sent?
| where sender == ""
| where timestamp between (datetime(2024-01-16T00:00:00Z) .. datetime(2024-01-16T23:59:59Z))
Question 4: What was the role of the employees that received Barry’s email?
- Find the list of the recipients.
| where sender == ""
| where subject == "I'm not coming in today. I'm sick of this place. We're all getting laid off anyway."
- Find the role.
| where email_addr in ("", "", "")
| distinct role
- Advanced operators:
| where sender == ""
| where subject == "I'm not coming in today. I'm sick of this place. We're all getting laid off anyway."
| project recipient
| join kind=inner (
| project email_addr, role
) on $left.recipient == $right.email_addr
| project recipient, role
| distinct role
Question 5: What was the role of the recipient of that email?
| where subject == "YOU ARE A GREEDY PIG!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?????"
| where email_addr == ""
| project role
Question 6: What’s Barry’s IP address? (Paste the full IP address )
| where name contains "Barry"
| project ip_addr
Question 7: What was the complete URL that Barry was browsing on his computer regarding Cybersecurity Insiders on the afternoon of December 26th?(Paste the full url)
| where src_ip == ""
| where url contains "Insiders"
| project url
Question 8: What website did he visit first on January 15th? (Paste the full URL)
| where src_ip == ""
| where timestamp >= datetime(2024-01-15T00:00:00Z)
| top 1 by timestamp asc
| project url
Question 9: Could you provide the full URL for the website Barry searched for USB Flash Drives?
| where src_ip == ""
| where url contains "usb"
| project url
Question 10: What “secret” document on business transactions did Barry download?
| where src_ip == ""
| where url contains "secret"
| project url
Question 11: What document (docx) did Barry download about salaries?
InboundNetworkEvents | where src_ip == “” and url contains “salary” and url contains “docx” | project url
- Advanced operators:
| where src_ip == "" and url contains "salary" and url contains "docx"
| extend parsed_url = parse_url(url)
| extend path_segments = split(parsed_url["Path"], "/")
| project FileName = tostring(path_segments[-1])
| where src_ip == "" and url contains "salary" and url contains "docx"
| extend fileName = tostring(split(parse_url(url)["Path"], "/")[-1])
| project fileName
Question 12: What document (zip) did Barry download to get this?
| where src_ip == ""
| where url contains "zip"
| extend fileName = tostring(split(parse_url(url)["Path"], "/")[-1])
| project fileName
Question 13: Do you know the password he used to zip the files?
We know the file name is and by checking the ProcessEvents
table, we observe the parent_process_hash
is 614ca7b627533e22aa3e5c3594605dc6fe6f000b0cc2b845ece47ca60673ec7f
| where process_commandline contains ""
I narrowed down the results by the day the event took place to shoren my results and find the password.
| where timestamp between (datetime(2024-01-16T00:00:00Z) .. datetime(2024-01-16T23:59:59Z))
| where hostname == "IGOY-DESKTOP"
| where parent_process_hash == "614ca7b627533e22aa3e5c3594605dc6fe6f000b0cc2b845ece47ca60673ec7f"
Question 14: What is the name of the drive on which Barry stored the final files?
Ans from question 13.
| where timestamp between (datetime(2024-01-16T00:00:00Z) .. datetime(2024-01-16T23:59:59Z))
| where hostname == "IGOY-DESKTOP"
| where parent_process_hash == "614ca7b627533e22aa3e5c3594605dc6fe6f000b0cc2b845ece47ca60673ec7f"
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